An endometrioid ovarian cyst is a benign doxycycline formation that can appear in any woman. The cause of this type of neoplasm is the process of endometriosis. In the risk group, first of all, there are women of reproductive age – from 25 to 50 years, but exceptions are possible (manifestations of endometriosis can also be found in very young girls)

Causes of occurrence

Endometriosis is a violation of the functioning of the female reproductive system, characterized by the release of tissue corresponding to menstrual blood secretions (the usual epithelium lining the inner surface of the uterus) outside the mucous membrane of this organ. Most often, with such a problem, the ovaries are affected first of all, but it is possible for the epithelium to take root in other systems and organs of the body, for example, in the urinary system or mammary glands. An endometrioid ovarian cyst is formed from a small group of cells that have settled on the surface of the ovary or in its cortical layer. Gradually, the formation increases in size, takes shape and “turns” into a dense capsule, the inner space of which is filled with blood. Depending on the stage of the disease, such a neoplasm can have a size from several millimeters to 10 centimeters. In the absence of timely treatment, damage to both ovaries and neighboring organs is possible.

It should be noted that the epithelial tissue, which histologically fully corresponds to the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the uterus, undergoes changes under the influence of the hormonal background of the female body that changes during the month – it proliferates and then is rejected, but has no way to stand out from the body and is forced to accumulate under a dense capsule separating the endometrioid cyst from the unchanged organ tissue.

Stages of the disease

In modern medicine , four stages of this disease are identified:

– Endometriosis, passing with minor lesions of the ovaries and other organs and systems of the body.

– A lesion of one ovary, a neoplasm not exceeding 6 cm in size. A partial lesion of the appendages and noticeable effects of endometriosis on neighboring organs and tissues are also possible.

– Lesions of both ovaries, adhesions of appendages, the occurrence of foci of endometriosis on the fallopian tubes, peritoneum and uterus.

– Lesions of both ovaries with the formation of large cysts, serious lesions of neighboring organs and tissues.

Symptoms of endometriodic ovarian cyst disease

An endometrioid ovarian cyst at the initial stages of formation may not cause problems and discomfort to its owner at all. Endometriosis is often recognized during examinations aimed at determining the causes of female infertility. In some cases, there may be regular pain in the lower abdomen, which are systematically aggravated by the onset of menstruation.Endometrioid ovarian cyst symptoms can be very different, often a neoplasm of this type leads to bloating, constipation, urination disorders.

One of the most terrible complications is infertility, endometrioid ovarian cyst and pregnancy are rarely compatible, if pregnancy has occurred during hormone therapy, surgical treatment of the cyst is postponed until delivery. Among the common complications are suppuration and rupture of the cyst, the occurrence of bleeding, a massive adhesive process around the focus of endometriosis.

Treatment of endometrioid ovarian cyst

Formations of this type, especially those that have reached significant sizes, in the vast majority of cases require surgical intervention. Removal of an endometrioid ovarian cyst at the current level of development of surgical technologies is an operation of medium complexity, which can be successfully performed during endoscopic (laparoscopic) surgery. The success of this intervention largely depends on the stage of development of the disease at the time of surgery. If there are endometrioid ovarian cysts, treatment will certainly be successful when performing buy doxycycline for syphilis surgery at the stage of moderate damage to one of the ovaries. It is quite possible that at the end of the recovery period, the reproductive function of the body will be fully restored.

With minor damage to the ovaries and nearby organs, non-surgical treatment is possible. If the patient has an endometrioid ovarian cyst, treatment requires a course of hormone therapy. The essence of this method of treatment of endometriosis consists in artificially causing a menstrual pause and dynamic monitoring of the condition of this benign neoplasm in the created conditions. If there are no improvements, then in the vast majority of cases, doctors observing the patient come to the conclusion that surgical removal of an endometrioid ovarian cyst is the only possible treatment option.

To diagnose the appearance of neoplasms of this type, you can use ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs or the organ in which the focus of endometriosis was formed. As a rule, the endometrioid ovarian cyst in the photo taken during ultrasound is perfectly visible, in addition, with the help of such a study, it is possible to establish the exact size of the cyst and the condition of the nearest organs and tissues. Depending on the stage at which the identified endometrioid ovarian cyst will be located, treatment will be prescribed.

About why cysts of this type arise, disputes in the medical environment have been going on for a long time. When such neoplasms appear, it is important for successful treatment to recognize the disease in a timely manner in the early stages. To do this, it is recommended to regularly undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist, carefully monitor your well-being and, if any unusual sensations appear, immediately seek medical advice.