Scars constantly accompany a person. During your lifetime, such troubles as burns, wounds, skin diseases, surgeries, injuries are waiting for you at every step. As a result, you can collect even more than a dozen scars. The appearance viagra of scars can be different — from barely noticeable lines to large keloid scars that distort a person’s appearance.

You can use several methods of treating scars. Among them, the most affordable and popular among the population is a cream or ointment. Treatment of scars is a thankless and very painstaking task. Not every defect can be removed.

Ointments for healing scars: representatives in the pharmaceutical market

Such drugs can be used daily at home. The course of treatment is 6-9 months. Alas, scar correction products are rarely sold in the pharmacy. As a rule, they need to be ordered from distributors-intermediaries of pharmaceutical companies. Today you can buy such drugs:
– “Kontraktubeks”. The tool fights fairly effectively with shallow scars on the skin. The ointment should be rubbed into the area and around the scar 2-3 times a day for 3-6 months. In the clinic, you may be offered to inject this ointment into the depth of the skin using ultrasound for a better effect.
– “Kelofibrase”. It is produced in Germany. Regular application of the cream to the affected area will help smooth the skin and make the scar less noticeable.
– Silicone plate “Spenko”. The tool copes well with all types of scars. It is fixed over the scars with a bandage. Twice a day, you need to remove and rinse the plate. You need to wear it for 2-4 months.
– Ointment “Zeraderm Ultra”. After its application, a film is formed on the skin that protects the scar from external link influences. Cosmetics can be applied on top of such protection, because this drug is best used by women in the treatment of facial scars.

Which treatment to choose

To select the most effective means, you need to apply an individual approach to each scar. It is necessary to take into account the cause of scar formation, the type and color of the skin, the localization and depth of the scar, the time that has passed since its formation. Even with the right selection of funds, it is impossible to get rid of the scar completely, but it can be made almost invisible.