
Every year we run an awesome math competition through MathsMinds which is an annual junior mathematical competition.  This is run by Amanda Cook, our passionate mates whiz.

The competition is compulsory and teams will be sorted in classes.  The Year 10 contest starts first, followed by the year 9 event. The Year 9s learn how the contest works by watching the Year 10 teams who have done it the previous year (well, that’s the theory).  Each team has 20 problems to solve in the allocated 45 minutes. With 5 points being awarded for each correct answer, the winners are the teams with the highest number of points. In the event of a tie, a tie-breaker question will decide the winners.

Each team has four members. One is appointed the ‘runner’ and has the task of taking written answers to the nearest judge. The judge will either record a correct answer, else hand the question back and request the team has another attempt to obtain the correct answer.

There is a lot of activity and a lot of noise.

The winning teams from Years 9 & 10 will head to the wider Bay of Plenty Region Mathsmind to compete against other schools.

Wero Maths Challenge

Often during term 3, some of our year 9 & 10’s also take part in the Wero Maths Challenge which ran throughout the term.