Waihi College loves to help Waihi, the wider community and on an international level – due to this, we are  involved in numerous fundraisers every year.  We have been involved in raising money for St John’s Ambulance, Salvation Army Food Bank, I am Hope (for mental health), the Pink T-shirt Anti Bullying campaign, Daffodil Day, Waikino School Fire Fundraiser, Gumboot Day, 40 Hour Famine, SADD, Pink Ribbon, New Zealand Leukaemia & Blood Foundation and LGBTQ organisations such as Rainbow Youth.

Each Year our Year 13 Service Leader and their team of Service students choose who they would like to support and how they would like to fundraise and increase awareness.  We do this through promotion and fundraising.

Chat to our Arts & Services Coordinator or our Year 13 Service Leader if you would like to get involved in any of our service events.